Friday, March 4, 2011


Fingal., D. (2011). Bloggers beat: are we getting distracted from what really matters?. International Society for Technology in Education, Retrieved from

            In this article, Diana Fingal writes about an article she read about technology causing attention deficits in today’s youth. Fingal points out this is an argument which has been going on for centuries. She offers the idea that maybe students are distracted from their studies because their studies are just not relevant, interesting, or engaging. She says high school students were bored with school long before the Internet. If kids are free to explore the Internet, they can foster their passion by researching topics that interest them. Fingal points out technology is empowering. The world is changing, and there is no need to fight it. New is not bad.  It is time we start embracing the digital age.

Q1. Do you agree with Diana Fingal?

A1. Yes. Fingal makes a great argument. I recently read an article that said the Baby Einstein series is detrimental to young children because it could potentially foster Attention Deficit Disorder. Some people believe if kids watch these videos, then it will be difficult for them to learn from other sources. But here’s an idea: Why don’t we try to make other sources as engaging as Baby Einstein videos?

Q2.  Do you think technology could benefit some children more than others?

A2. I believe technology will benefit everyone. However, I do believe technology will be especially beneficial for kids who have had difficulty learning. I believe there are many kids who are unfocused in school simply because they have not found an area of study which interests them. If these kids are encouraged to explore the Internet to learn about any topic they chose, I think they could unlock their potential to be very successful. 

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